Celebrating life!

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This morning I was looking for some books to give as a present and I stumbled upon this wonderful “Italian Touch” that was created for the iconic Tod’s.

The book celebrates Italian lifestyle – that passion Italians have for life, family, nature, cuisine and of course, fashion.

There are different families that were photographed for this book – from Italian aristocrats to “low key” personas, from businessmen to artists and fashionistas.

Looking at these photos I can’t stop thinking about amazing combination of beauty, exceptional quality and at the same time simplicity. That`s what comes to our mind when we think about Italy and that`s what attracts and inspires so many people from all over the world. This eager love to detail, craftsmanship, artistry and incredible ability to combine different materials, colors and textures. In another words, quality in everything whether it’s a food, a dress, a pair of shoes or a beautiful house from another century, that has been restored in a way that allows to keep it`s history and embrace the comfort and practicability of something new.

Another thing that catches the eye is that it seems like everything that Italians do they do with such an ease. Yes, very emotionally but beautifully and easily. They can wear very expensive clothes without looking too pretentious. They can make delicious salads out of old bread mixed with everything that’s within the reach. Or, what my husband always admires, the way that a lot of Italians drink wine – from a simple juice glass and without this closed-eye sniffing before that always makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable.

And before my husband will be able to switch his job here in Brazil and have money enough to invest in some farm house or winery in Italy (he does not know about my plans yet), I think I will try to be a little bit Italian in everyday life. Celebrating life, family, simple, seasonal food, wine, art and literature. And just like on these photos, flaunting in Tod`s classical, immortal moсcasins.

You can find “Italian touch” in http://www.amazon.com. For personal collection or as a wonderful gift for someone special!